Domestic Violence – Kids are Victims Too

Domestic Violence—Kids Are Victims Too, was produced by Cope 24 to get ahead of this global problem. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year, and 90% of these children are eyewitnesses to this violence. In addition, women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner. By the time students graduate from high school, they are exposed and susceptible to abuse themselves. It is the mission of Cope 24 and the participants who shared their stories to create change by building awareness and implementing educational strategies and solutions to break this cycle of abuse for future generations.

Alisa Divine

Alisa Divine is CEO of Personal Power Press, the Coauthor of five award-winning and best-selling books, #SheWins, Killing Kate, She Rises, #SheWins 2 and Dirty Love. She coaches women to share their stories and heal their lives. Her gift is empowering women to BE their best selves. Alisa is featured in a documentary, Domestic Abuse, Kids Are Victims Too.

Alisa is offering a teaching guide for adults to partner with Domestic Abuse: Kids are Victims Too. With the purchase of this product, you will receive:

  • Module 1: The Effect Of Domestic Abuse on Children & Conversations After

  • Module 2: Domestic Abuse Case Study & Conversations After

  • Module 3: The Most Common Types Of Abuse & Conversations After

  • Module 4: How To Identify & Leave An Abusive Relationship & Conversations After

For additional conversation and resources on domestic abuse, visit Alisa’s site.

COPE24 Parenting Skills Program for Child Welfare Workers, Foster Care Agencies, Hospitals and Community Groups

Call 314-488-3766 or email Rene Howitt for set-up, purchase and pricing.

What does the program include?

We’ve taken 10 very common frustrating parenting situations and put them into a program, so that we can begin discussing with our youth the realities of parenting. This program includes:

  1. Teacher/Instructors manual meeting all national curriculum standards
  2. Manual also includes student worksheets and pre/post student surveys
  3. 10 parenting scenario videos. Each parenting video situation is approx. five-minutes in length. There is one video situation for each of the 10 chapters of this program

The teacher/instructor would begin the class by showing one video. Each scenario will escalate to the point of abuse, neglect, or dysfunction. The video is then stopped and the teacher/instructor can turn to class asking….what went wrong? What other choices did the parents have? What will you do?